623 229-8335

Looking to get involved in the Community?

Need a license

Visit Arizona Game and Fish, click here!

Become a Member

Become a member of Fly Fishers Arizona today!

All ready a member of Fly Fishers International, Great!

  All Ready a member of Fly Fishers International Thanks for you decision to join Fly Fishers local chapter of Fly Fishers THANKS  FOR YOUR DECISION TO JOIN OUR MISSION IN SERVING THE COMMUNITY, CONSERVATION AND EDUCATION IN THE SPORT OF FLY FISHING FOR THE COMMUNITY.

By joining Fly Fishers Arizona you are automatically a member of Fly Fishers Arizona.  Please just submit the application and  below and check that you accept Fly Fishers Arizona’s waiver statement and you are go to go.

FLY FISHERS ARIZONA’S main target, but not limited to:

  • Youth Programs –  fly fishing education and Arizona Fishers conservation and restoration..
  • Veteran Programs, such as Project Healing waters.
  • Conservation programs, such as stream & lake restoration, trash cleanup.
  • Group Retreats,  help individual dealing with a hurt, habit or hangup.

Please complete the
membership application so we can keep

Step 1: fill out the application. Step 2: Accept the waiver form.
Step 3: click the Pay your Fly fishers International membership dues button to join Fly Fishers International. Your membership dues are $35 annual (there are other options).

Standard 1-year $35
or 3-year $90
(includes you and your partner/spouse)
Senior (65+) - $25 per year
Veteran - $25 per year
Business - $100 per year

Membership Application
Please enter your full first and last name

Join our mailing list

Just want to keep in touch with events what’s going on at Fly Fishers Arizona you may just sign up for our mail list..